2021/05/05www.unnouveauportpourcalais.com A great investment in the general interest of Calais, the local area, the Région and Europe… An economic and logistical stepping-stone for the future to adapt...
2018/12/10THE PROTECTION WALL AGAINST THE SEA The seawall slab was casted before this 2018 summer on the Section 4 breakwater along the platforms. Prefabricated reinforced concrete formworks were...
2018/12/051000 M³ OF CONCRETE FOR NO.4 ENGINEERING STRUCTURE As No4 Engineering Structure reinforcement is now completed, casting the structure deck has started in late autumn with no less than 1000 m³ of concrete to be...
2018/12/03LAYING THE FIRST BOLLARD ON P10 The first 4 bollards were set up on P10. The concrete dries around 5 anchoring rods of one meter and a half ! Designed to receive the moorings of ferries in...
2018/11/213260 meters ! The new basin entry is now drawn: the breakwater reaches its final point at 3260 meters with the bullnose at its end. All the staff working on the site met...
The buried networks Let’s risk doing a little anthropomorphism: The buried networks are on a construction site what arteries, veins and nerves are in the human body: they...
2018/06/30THE 10,000TH XBLOC® IS IN! 1,132 Xblocs® on the Western inner embankment and 8,868 on the main breakwater…: 10,000 Xblocs® of 4 to 10 m3 were therefore manufactured, moved and installed...
2018/06/11The fame of Calais Port 2015 project up to Klaipeda in Lithuania! On Monday 11th June, a management delegation of Klaipeda State Seaport Authority in Lithuania came to visit Calais Port 2015 construction site with many media...
2018/06/05Calais Port 2015 clock at the time of the environment On the World Environment Day , Calais Port 2015 Design and Construction Joint Venture teams stopped their usual activities for an hour and a half to focus on a...