The construction Joint Venture is fully committed to respecting the contractual objective of a 7 % insertion target in close collaboration with all organizations dealing with employment (see Employment). But beyond the numbers, there are beautiful stories related to employment of people back to work.
For example, Sabine Thomas signed on 4th January 2016 an open-ended employment contract for the duration of Calais Port 2015 works. In 2008 she lost her job following redundancies for economic reasons after having worked for 20 years in the same company. Then Sabine’s employment insurance was running out after a period of parental leave, training and short contracts. She was accompanied by the PLIE organization, Calais Local Insertion and Employment Organization and nominated in September 2015 as a candidate to work within the Construction Joint Venture. Sabine was finally chosen after several interviews to work as an Assistant in charge of Access, valuing her qualities of rigor and relationship skills. She is now in charge of gathering all documents needed to access the site, issuing ID badges for construction workers and staff and welcome visitors with all required safety precautions.