
The impact on employment will have been progressive throughout the construction,
with direct, indirect (suppliers, subcontractors) and induced (local benefits) jobs.

Expectations were high for such an outstanding construction site: nearly 1,700 application forms were indeed received by the Group of construction companies filled up in the “Maison du Projet et de L’Emploi” from the first months of its installation in July 2015. And even if the early works (related to the breakwater, dredging, backfilling) are highly mechanized and largely done by the construction consortium companies (usually by their regional subsidiaries or agencies), so employment effect accelerated with the progress of the construction site.

In 2018 and 2019, the layout of the platforms will have required more different trades with peaks reaching 500 people at the site. Taking into account all types of jobs, more than 2,000 FTEs (full-time annual jobs) were generated by the project from the end of 2015 to 2018 (source: étude de retombées socio-économique du projet réalisée par l’ULCO).

The construction joint venture exceeds the obligations of the contract guidelines in terms of socio-economic benefits:

  • Work insertion: the minimum objective of 7% insertion workers target was exceeded throughout the construction site with a level of 14% of the total hours worked, by direct hiring by the construction joint venture (drivers, operators, …) or external services (cleaning, etc.).
  • ​Work with local companies: At the end of 2018, the construction joint venture will have been working with more than 740 service providers for 160 million euros in contracts, almost half of which are companies from Hauts-de-France.

Evolution of contract amounts with subcontractors, service providers and suppliers
(source : étude de retombées socio-économique du projet réalisée par l’ULCO)

From spring 2015 and until the end of the project, an Operationnal Employment Unit will have been set up to:

  • Meet the companies needs.
  • Place job applicants by mobilizing all partners responsible for their coaching.
  • ​Monitor compliance with the clause related to insertion workers.

Until the end of the project, this Operational Employment Unit will continue to work in close collaboration with the National Employment Agency, the Calais Local In works closely with sertion and Employment Organization, the Hauts-de-France Regional Council Department in charge of the continuous professional training and the Construction Consortium Calais Port 2015.


How to apply for :

All application forms throughout the project will have passed through the “employment” partners to be referenced, analyzed and qualified.

Until the end of the project, please send your application directly to the Construction Consortium to the following address :

Bouygues Travaux Publics
Groupement Port de Calais 2015
CS 90079
62102 CALAIS Cedex