No.6 bridge is the most imposing land infrastructure currently on site.
It is opposite platform P10 at the end of the ramp to be used by vehicles leaving the ferry.
SPD designed this bridge in two parts to ensure safety of passengers disembarking either in cars or coaches:
- No.6a bridge is mainly dedicated to HGVs: The structure has a short curve to allow insertion and keeping on the right-hand side of the ridge towards the slip road joining the port ring road.
- No.6b bridge spans the ridge to allow passengers’ vehicles to go directly into the left-hand lane, without risking insertion conflicts with HGVs disembarking simultaneously from P11 or P12 berths. No stress for British drivers particularly focused on the continent’s traffic rules.
Both No.6b bridge piers support a prestressed deck of nearly 1000 m3. The reinforcement dimensioning was so dense that a tool could not be dropped otherwise it would not have been retrieved!
Now the deck is paved with asphalt and road accessories are being laid.