The second and last phase of rocks implementation in the sea started at the beginning of July 2017 with the same method as during the 2016 campaign for the breakwater Eastern part and the ripraps inside the basin.
Barges with opening bays or lateral discharge, already loaded by lorries from quarries, precisely outpour all different types of material to build foundations of the breakwater Western part and the bullnose.
Several thousand cubic meters of material are pourred into dredged trench. Blocks of smaller size will be part of the core breakwater, the biggest blocks (300 up to 1500 kg) will constitute the protection against sea erosion (where the breakwater external area is mostly exposed) and for underlayers at the bottom of the breakwater.
When this maritime works phase will end beginning of October 2017 as planned, nearly 1.7 million tons of quarry materials will have been deposited on the seabed. These structures will allow breakwater land work to progress by building on these submerged foundations.